Commitment to quality

SEEDS has developed strong capacity in handling large scale interventions while upholding the highest global standards of quality and accountability. Whether in terms of relief, construction, design or community processes, we have pioneered cutting edge approaches. We support community innovations, creating spaces on the interface of high-end technology and traditional wisdom.

People at the centre

Everyone has the right to dignity, well-being and control over their own lives. All of our initiatives are driven by that particular community, with particular focus on involving women and putting chidren first. Affected people themselves are the core of each programme – leveraging their strengths, their traditions and their aspirations. All relevant stakeholders, including the local government, are actively involved in the process, ensuring shared responsibility. Adopting such an approach helps make the process as meangingful as the outcome.

Leaving no one behind

A community is safe only when its most vulnerable members are safe. Our programmes focus on areas with little access to other assistance, those on the margins and the socially excluded. We actively seek out the silent voices and follow comprehensive triangulation methods to identify where to invest limited resources.

Sustainability Matters

Across our range of initiatives, we seek to leave the lowest carbon footprint possible while fulfilling the need. From designs and materials to planning and procurement processes, this is an underlying goal.

Local action, regional collaboration, global influence

SEEDS is a strong proponent of localisation and the power of local action. Both our programme content and ways of working refect this view, partnering with grassroot organisations and strengthening local capabilities.

At the same time, we play a leading role in prominent regional and global networks to advocate resilience approaches and influence the policy environment. Informed by our extensive work on the ground, we have advised inter-governmental agencies, the UN, national governements and civil society.

A commitment to global frameworks

Achieving the goals of global frameworks – the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction (SFDRR), Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the Paris Agreement – can only happen with work done on the ground. SEEDS programmes and ways of working help further this.

Our initiatives align across the seven targets of the SFDRR. They contribute directly to SDG 1 on reducing poverty; SDG 5 on gender equality; SDG 6 on clean water and sanitation; SDG 11 on sustainable cities and communities; SDG 13 on climate action; and SDG 15 on life on land. We also bring community voices and adaptation action to furthering goals of the Paris Agreement.