At SEEDS, we believe that every one of us can use their skills to make a meaningful contribution. We encourage all those interested in committing time and energy to our cause to check openings or get in touch. If you have the enthusiasm, we would be happy to help find the right fit.
Write to us at to lend your valuable support.
At SEEDS, we believe that every one of us has the ability to make a meaningful contribution. It doesn’t matter which walk of life one comes from, by leveraging one’s unique skills and talents, everyone with the will can help effect change. By contributing a fraction of your time and effort, you are able to make a large impact in our mission to help communities build their resilience and overcome the Covid-19 crisis together. Such is the power of volunteering!
Do you want to make a difference?
Now is the time! We would like to match your talent and experience with a need. Quickly fill a short form and you are a click away from making an impact!
Is your organisation seeking an impact partner?
Your organisation (an NGO / subject matter expert) can partner with us to provide a solution either at the door-step of the end-user or through virtual support. Please click below to tell us how we can collaborate.
Do you have a highly talented and enthused team that would like to make a difference?
Your (Corporate / MNC) employees can support us in developing solutions for under-served and un-served people. Please click below to tell us how we can collaborate.
For volunteering opportunity and queries email