Small Act, Big Impacts booklet

This comic book looks at climate change through the eyes of animal characters- camel and yak.

Risk Ready champion

A complete learning kit for children, the set of guide comprises of fun activity learning items for children like hazard hunt card games, 3R’s Junction- Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, children’s charter booklet and a fun learning poster to educate children on environmental safety and hazards around them.

Card Games

A vital part of Risk Ready Champion kit, the card games are the best way of teaching your children about earthquake, road safety and fire safety in the best possible and fun learning way! More card games based on flood safety, climate change and Tsunami is also included.

Safety Junctions

Making children aware about hazards and potential risks and threats around them at an early age might be difficult! Safety junctions based on Water and Sanitation Hygiene (WaSH), road safety, school safety, earthquake, tsunami, landslide etc are some of the detailed and creative learning modules for children that can be read anytime, anywhere.

Play Safe Board Game

A healthy and family fun loving board game in which children can engage in simulated financial dealings- purchasing safety items, investing in safety kits, securing finances during emergency etc, using imitation money.

Who’s the Champ

Spin the wheel and discover the ecostar in you. Learn more about the ecological components- waste, water and energy and how to develop a sustainable environment around you.

Comic Book

A complete graphic journey for children and their interaction with nature.