SEEDS’ way of working is highly collaborative. Our belief is that we can do more together.

Local CBOs and NGOs: We work with community-based organisations and local NGOs across India, combining skillsets to deliver programmes more effectively.

Start-ups: We collaborate with start-ups to find entrepreneurial solutions and innovative approaches to new challenges.

Technology companies: We learn from technology companies to help strengthen our offering and adopt tools to widen our reach and impact.

Academia: We put our heads together with academic institutions to base our initiatives on robust research.

Interested in collaborating on an area of our work?  Get in touch with us at to see how we can join forces.

Support Us

Corporate and Institutional Supporters

As SEEDS endeavours to make an impact on the lives of the bottom most 1% in India, we seek supporters from across the globe to help us make the change.

SEEDS’ corporate and institutional supporters have helped us make significant strides over the years.  They share our commitment to standing with vulnerable communities and the belief that everyone has the right to dignity, well- being and control over their own lives.

These partnerships help catalyse solutions to meet the needs of specific communities. Each of our supporters has been actively involved. They help co-design programmes with us on ground, ensure programmes achieve measurable outcomes and help bring lasting impact. To know more about our ongoing efforts click here

Support our programmes through Corporate Social Responsibility: We would be happy to have you on board, finding areas where your contribution would have maximum impact. Our broad range of initiatives within disaster risk reduction include urban and rural infrastructure; water, sanitation and hygiene; public health; environment and ecology; sustainable livelihoods; and children’s safety.

Special Collaborations: Are there areas where our work aligns to your core areas or geographical presence? Together, we can bring broader impact to those communities.

Employee Giving: Get your staff to contribute for a cause and together bring about a larger change.
Your employees can get their donations matched by the employer. We can design and implement a customised employee giving campaign to match your organisation’s employee giving campaign. To know more, please write to us at

Disaster Relief: Support our ongoing humanitarian response and recovery programmes to help us reach affected communities in a timely and dignified manner. Know how to support

For corporate and partnership related queries, please contact:

Support us as an Individual

Our team works with the most marginalised communities in India to bring about a sustainable change in their lives. Your donation helps ensure that these communities are having a better future. You can choose to donate either to an emergency response or a general donation to support our ongoing risk reduction programmes.

We endeavour to provide you with regular updates on our work to showcase the effect you’ve helped create.

Any donation made to SEEDS is tax deductible under Section 80G. You will receive a receipt in order to avail benefits as per the applicable laws.

Our Partners