Through the years, SEEDS’s work has been recognised by the government as well as national and international institutions. We are thankful for their faith and belief in our endeavours by recognising our efforts. It encourages us and strengthens our belief that we are on the right path whilst reminding us of the great responsibility we carry towards empowering the marginalised for a disaster-ready future.

SEEDS wins United Nations Sasakawa Award 2022 for Disaster Risk Reduction

SEEDS has been awarded the prestigious UNDRR prize that is bestowed upon individuals or institutions who have taken active efforts in reducing disaster risk in their communities and advocated for disaster risk reduction. The ceremony was held at the Global Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction 2022 in Bali, Indonesia.

SEEDS Conferred with the Highest National Honour for Excellence in the Field of Disaster Management

SEEDS was awarded the Subhash Chandra Bose Aapda Prabandhan Award 2021 in Disaster Management on 23 January 2022, by our Honourable Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi for excellence in the field of disaster management. The award recognises and honours the contribution and service rendered by individuals and organisations in India in the field of Disaster Management by Government of India every year on 23 January, the birth anniversary of Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose.

Silver Prize in BW Businessworld Future of Design Awards 2021 Presented to SEEDS

Our focus of creating and designing a sustainable world was recognised with a prize in the third edition of Business World’s Future of Design Award in the ‘Space Category’. The award highlighted our work in developing disaster-resilient construction techniques in housing for the most vulnerable communities in Assam that are hit by floods almost every year.

Special Mention by the Jury of ‘Resilient Homes Design Challenge’ 2018

SEEDS received a special mention in the Resilient Homes Design Challenge hosted by The World Bank, Build Academy, Airbnb, the Global Facility for Disaster Reduction and Recovery (GFDRR), and UN-Habitat for our sustainable and rehabilitative design solutions in the Himalayas.

World Economic Forum (WEF) Recognition as One of India’s Top 50 COVID-19 Responders

World Economic Forum and COVID Response Alliance For Social Entrepreneurs recognised SEEDS as one of India’s Top 50 #COVID19 Last Mile Responders. At a time when mainstream support systems had been stretched, we stepped up to fill the gaps, especially in hard-to-reach poor or rural communities.

UNDRR recognised SEEDS as a Sendai Target Champion for reducing disaster mortality at Asia Ministerial Conference for Disaster Risk Reduction (AMCDRR) 2016

The International Day for Disaster Reduction marked the beginning of the “Sendai Seven Campaign: Seven Targets, Seven Years” by the UNISDR. This campaign references the seven targets for reducing disaster losses in the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction adopted by UN Member States in March, 2015. Mr Glasser named SEEDS as one of the “Sendai Target Champions for Reducing Disaster Mortality”.

SEEDS was adjudged “Indian of the year 2010” in the Public Service Section Category by CNN-IBN and awarded by Hon’ble President Shri Pranab Mukherjee.

In 2010 SEEDS constructed locally appropriate houses post cloudburst & flash floods that swept the Leh, Ladakh region. SEEDS work in extreme terrain, geography and relentless spirit won the organisation CNN-IBN Indian of the Year for Public Service award.

The Gyalwang Drukpa Award 2011 for rehabilitation work carried out in Ladakh

‘Catalysts of Change – Ladakh’ awarded best film in the Climate Change Adaptation category at Asia Ministerial Conference for Disaster Risk Reduction 2016

Asian Broadcasting Union (ABU) award for ‘Catalysts of Change Ladakh’ in 2017

Best Civil Society Innovator in Environment and Sustainability category for eNGO Challenge Award 2020